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Programs for Seniors

Resources to help organizations meet the needs of seniors in the community

Kaslo WISE

Kaslo WISE (Weekly Invitation for Seniors and Elders) is a program that seeks to reduce isolation and provide nutritious food for Seniors in Kaslo and Area D who are living with low income, or experiencing isolation or seeking more social opportunities. The program consists of a weekly nutritous meal that is delivered to the door by our Seniors Coordinator, Elizabeth Brandrick. While delivering the meal Elizabeth will talk to the recipient and help with any information or resource referrals that the senior may need. The program also seeks to provide light physical and social activities that seniors can participate in if they wish. Over the past year we have focussed on bowling, a weekly walking group, and Open Art studio sessions that have explored journalling and other activities with an Art Therapist.

If you, or a senior you know would like to be part of the program call us at 353-7691 for more information.

In the past Kaslo Community Services has teamed up with various organizations to conduct research to identify and meet senior’s service and resource needs.

Projects for Seniors

“Reaching Out” Project

Kaslo Community Services Society worked in collaboration with the Nelson & District Seniors Coordinating Society, the Nelson CARES Society and the Nelson Age-Friendly Community Initiative, on a seniors-focused research and outreach project “Reaching Out”. With funding from the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute, the Nelson CARES Society and the Age-Friendly Community Initiative hired a Student Intern from Selkirk College to locate and interview isolated rural seniors in rural communities surrounding Nelson and Kaslo. The purpose of the project was to identify seniors’ service and resource needs, and to connect these seniors to organizations that could help them meet their needs. The final report for the project was released September 2014. The Reaching Out project has benefited both seniors and the organizations that provide services to them.

Kaslo Age Friendly Community Project

Funded by a UBCM Age–friendly Community Grant, in partnership with Kaslo Community Services Society (KCS) and the Kaslo & District Senior Citizens Association, the Village of Kaslo embarked in 2013 on a project to: increase the level, quality and array of services available to seniors to support a healthy, happy aging process in Kaslo and Area D. The final report is available below in PDF format.