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Counselling Programs
Child and Youth Mental Health

The Child & Youth Mental Health is a free and voluntary community-based service offering support to children and youth (ages 18 and younger) and their families. The service can offer assessment and therapeutic interventions (including group and individual counselling) for children and youth who have mild – severe emotional, mental, and behaviours challenges. Funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Adult Mental Health and Substance Use
Offers assessment, crisis intervention, and ongoing counselling support for adults and coordination with existing local services and agencies. The focus is on the Harm Reduction model of addiction services. Included in this contract are psycho-educational groups (ie. anxiety and depression), Outreach for existing clients. Weekly Community Connections Clubhouse meetings provide social connection, education and life skills for clients with mental health issues. Funded by Interior Health.

The PEACE counsellor offers support and psychoeducation to children and youth ages three to 18 who have witnessed/experienced domestic violence. Funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
Family Support
The family support worker offers emotional support, psycho-education, and advocacy for families. Included are navigating separation, strengthening attachments with children, encouraging empowerment for caregivers and support navigating systems. Funded by Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Community Based Victim Services (CBVS)
The Community Based Victim Services program provides information, community referrals, emotional, practical and court support to victims, their families and witnesses. These services are provided in a safe, non-judgmental, trauma-informed manner. A safe place to receive emotional support and practical assistance for those who have experienced or witnessed physical, emotional, or sexual violence.
VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808. VictimLink BC is a toll-free, confidential telephone service available across B.C. and Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Stopping the Violence Counselling
Offers short and long term individual counselling for women who are healing from past or present abusive situations. A variety of modalities including expressive therapies to support women on their healing journey. Funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
Safe Homes Program
Supports women and their children who are at risk of violence or have experienced violence, by providing access to safe, secure and confidential services, including information and supports for decision-making, short term shelter or housing, referrals to other services and links to affordable housing. Funded by BC Housing.